Why Doesn’t Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth generally make their appearance during the late teens and early 20s, but not everybody has these teeth. It’s estimated that approximately a third of people are born without wisdom teeth. Your wisdom teeth are your third molars situated right at the back of the mouth. There are usually four wisdom teeth, one in […] Read more

Jul, 28, 2020



What to Do in a Dental Emergency?

We know dental emergencies can be painful and often frightening, but we are here to help and make every effort to see people in discomfort or pain quickly. Some situations are more urgent than others, for example: Severe toothache Gum or facial swelling near the affected tooth Jaw injuries Knocking out or loosening a permanent […] Read more

Jul, 22, 2020



Can Dental Hygiene Affect Fertility?

Inadequate dental hygiene can affect fertility in both sexes. Gum disease and tooth decay have been linked with poor sperm health and sperm quality in men, while in women poor dental health may increase the time needed to conceive. Most of the research into the connection between dental health and fertility focuses on periodontal disease […] Read more

Jul, 20, 2020



How Can a Cold or Flu Affect Your Dental Health?

When you have a cold or flu, your dental health probably isn’t a priority, but it can affect it considerably. Dry Mouth Usually, when you have a cold or flu, you cannot breathe through your nose and instead must breathe through your mouth. Consequently, your mouth can become dry and uncomfortable. Also, decongestants and antihistamines […] Read more

Jul, 01, 2020



What are Dental Implants and How Can They Help?

Dental implants are an advanced way to restore missing teeth, consisting of a small titanium post that artificially replaces a tooth root. The post is surgically inserted into the jaw where it bonds with the bone. During the second stage of treatment, an abutment is attached to the post and is used to support the […] Read more

Jul, 01, 2020