Cloudy with a Chance of Oral Disease, Vaping and Your Oral Health

We have all seen people let out a cloud of smoke as they are busy vaping. If you are near such a person, you do not want to breathe in the smoke as it is more than just vapour. Even secondary exposure to vapour can cause changes to your oral tissues. It is even worse if you vape.

The smoke contains harmful aerosols that could include nicotine or cannabis, heavy metals including cadmium, tin and zinc, carcinogens like benzene and toluene and dangerous flavouring agents to make vaping more enticing. Exposure to the hot, toxic vapour can cause damage to your lungs and result in other respiratory problems. Additionally, it can increase the risk of tooth decay and lead to other potentially negative effects in your mouth. The solvents in the vapour can be very drying or sticky, creating ideal conditions for harmful mouth bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease to thrive.

Vaping has only been around for a relatively short while, and we don’t know about the long-term effects that could include oral cancers. Unfortunately, people tend to think vaping is better than smoking, and it is often used by those trying to quit smoking. If you do vape, it is well worth trying to quit, but otherwise, be sure to have regular dental checkups so we can monitor your oral health closely at

Jul, 06, 2021